Difficult Times

Over the past month I’ve seen multiple businesses racing to raise funds before year end, with their future plans hanging in the balance. Others have been impacted by natural disasters such as floods, tornadoes or fires. Yet others have had their plans impacted by changes in regulations, or are concerned with potential future changes given the new political landscape in the US. These all represent difficult times for leadership and their teams, creating uncertainty regarding whether or not the business plans these companies have been following will remain viable.

Most of these companies are encountering the type of “inevitable unexpected events” described in my recently published book, “Can’t Tame a Mongoose.” The types of problems that leadership is facing in all of these cases are challenging, and even more so if they had never been anticipated. Developing a practice to increase the likelihood of successfully navigating such events is the central theme of my book. 

When encountering difficult times, most successful business leaders I’ve met rely on an inherent sense of confidence, persistence, resilience and optimism. They may be worried, they may be scared, but they are determined to find a way to overcome the challenges they face, and they give everything they have to lead their teams to successful outcomes.

If you’re in such a situation right now, experiencing a difficult time and trying to lead your team past it, I’d encourage you to stay calm and positive. Keep yourself and your team focused on the immediate task at hand that will “make or break” your company in this “moment of truth.” Leverage all of your relevant contacts, and stay determined yet open minded to any new ideas or approaches that may be helpful.

In closing, here are a few words of encouragement in the form of quotes regarding optimism and perseverance in the face of challenging times:


“People always ask me, “What’s the secret to being a successful CEO?” Sadly, there is no secret, but if there is one skill that stands out, it’s the ability to focus and make the best move when there are no good moves. It’s the moments where you feel most like hiding or dying that you can make the biggest difference as a CEO.”

-       Ben Horowitz, from his book The Hard Thing About Hard Things 


“I realized, with gratitude, optimism is sustainable. If you find something to be grateful for, then you find something to look forward to, and [you] carry on.

-       Michael J. Fox, from this interview: (thanks to Dr. J. Fenton Williams)


“My dear, in the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.

In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.

In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.

I realized, through it all, that…

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.

And that makes me happy.

For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger- something better, pushing right back.”

-       Albert Camus- from his book The Stranger 



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