Reflections, tales, and lessons learned at the interface of business and life science, or…
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A story of the relentless pursuit of one’s passion, this memoir reveals the impact of inevitable, unexpected events on a business and life. Dr. Rose shares approaches for navigating past these challenges and embracing unforeseen opportunities to achieve successful outcomes.
Public vs. Stealth Operations
The choice between developing novel life science research products while generating public awareness, or operating in stealth mode until optimization and market targeting are achieved, depends on many factors. Company leadership must weigh the trade-offs carefully to determine the approach that best aligns with their objectives, personal preferences and market conditions.
Take A Break
Every so often one should take a step back from whatever race they are running, and reflect on their goals in life and whether or not they’re still on a path that will lead to personal fulfillment, however they define that
A New Path Forward
After more than a year of cutbacks in biotech, healthcare and life sciences, many people are seeking a new path forward. If you’re in this position, I’d encourage you to look for a company working on a mission you are passionate about, with leaders who inspire you (and whose judgement you trust), and a work environment where you believe you can learn and thrive and enjoy your time
New Book Coming March ‘24
My new book due March, 2024: A story of the relentless pursuit of one’s passion, this memoir reveals the impact of inevitable, unexpected events on a business or life, and shares approaches to navigate past them to achieve successful outcomes.
The Fall of SVB
Nobody expected SVB to go under in a matter of days this past week. Nonetheless, unexpected events in one form or another occur regularly. How top management responds often determines whether or not a company will survive and thrive or fall by the wayside
Your Experience with Unexpected Events
I’m interested in hearing about your experience with unexpected events in startup or early stage technical ventures. Challenges or opportunities you never anticipated, as well as how you responded, and what was the outcome